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shepherd dog breed history

In 1899, Stefanitz retired from the army and then began his second job, with the sole purpose of raising a dog that was superior to all his herd dogs. She has done many studies on dog breeding methods and has traveled extensively in Germany to study and closely examine dog exhibitions. Stephanitz visited many guard dogs, dogs that were athletic, intelligent or capable. But he could not see all of these traits in one dog at once. Until one day he was visiting a dog show where a dog with a wolf figure caught his eye. He quickly bought the dog and called it Hektor Linksrhein. Later, however, the dog was renamed Horand v Grafeth. The dog’s high physical strength and intelligence greatly influenced Stephanie’s dog until she decided to continue breeding the dog. The bad news for Stefanitz was that Germany had grown dramatically in the industry and there was little need for such guard dogs. So he suggested that the dog serve the police and army. Through good communication with the military, he persuaded the German government to use this race in the army and police. During World War I, German Shepherd served in the Army as a Red Cross dog, a messenger, a savior, a guard, and a food carrier. Although German Shepherds entered the United States before World War I, it was his great ability in the war that made his place in the military open and sent many dogs home! Colonel Duncan, of course, also played a key role in the popularity of the race, transforming a puppy from France to America and training him to become a popular movie star. Although the Allies were impressed by German Shepard’s abilities, the dog’s German originality did not appeal to them. For this reason, in 1917, the Americans decided to rename the German Shepherd Dog to Shepherd Dog. In England, the dog was renamed the Algerian wolf. In 1931, however, the Americans again decided to use the original name of the breed, and in 1977 the German name Sheppard was again used in England. Stephanitz put all his sorrow into the German Shepherd breed, and in 1922 he realized that some of the characteristics of this dog were changing. For example, there was a cold temper and an increase in tooth decay in this race. So he decided to develop a system aimed at quality control of this race. Accordingly, before attempting to reproduce, every German puppy had to undergo various tests to confirm his intelligence, mental and physical health. Shepherd dog breed history In the United States, of course, breeders did not attach much importance to Sheppard’s mental and behavioral traits, and their only goal was to win pet shows. After World War II, police and the US military decided to import German German dogs because German Shepherds – due to inappropriate breeding policies – suffered from a variety of genetic and behavioral ailments and had virtually no functionality. However, in recent decades, some breeders in the US have decided to work on their abilities rather than focusing on the appearance of the Shepherd dog. With the reforms made today, German Shepherds have returned to being a genuine German working dog. German Shepherd dog temperament The German Shepherd Dog is one of the most famous dogs in the world. Why?! In one sentence, because of his great intelligence and ability. German Shepherd, who falls into the category of working dogs, has incredible courage and dedication. This dog is amazingly capable of doing anything and is a kind of French wrench for dogs. Of course, as long as you train him well. The German Shepherd dog can serve the military and police, shepherding, rescuing, searching for drugs, detecting drugs and perhaps most importantly, being a good friend and companion to you

Shepherd dog breed history

The German Shepherd dog is a relatively new breed. It all goes back to 1899, when a man named Captain Max von Stephanitz, who served in the German cavalry, sought a breed of dog that was unique among the guard dogs. Centuries before the Stephanites, German shepherds, like other European shepherds, depended on guard dogs to guard their flocks. Some dogs were very close together, and shepherds traveled a great distance to get their female dog pregnant by one of these powerful dogs. However, none of these efforts succeeded in creating a powerful shepherd dog.

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