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History of Chihuahua Dogs

Chihuahua is one of the earliest known breeds in the United States and is the smallest dog breed in the world. His hometown is Mexico, but he seems to have come from China many years ago. His name came from the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, where he was later taken by travelers around the world. Chihuahua first arrived in Europe in the 19th century.

Chihuahua dog temperament

Chihuahua is a great friend. Brave and very lively, it really needs attention and affection. He responds quickly and never lets himself down! Chihuahua is a strong, lively, and loyal dog, and quickly relies on its owner to the extent that it arouses its jealousy towards those who deal with its owner. They love licking their owner’s face and follow their owner step by step in an unfamiliar environment and in front of strangers. Some find it difficult to train, but in principle he is smart and quick to teach and responds to what they want. It is not recommended for children and can be a noisy dog ​​house especially when a stranger enters and most of their owners use pepper to prevent excessive barking. It is usually aggressive towards other dogs and more likely to deal with its breed, which can also be eliminated by training and socializing the dog, especially

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